
RIP Willie Mays

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Started by Bear, September 25, 2017, 03:10:49 AM

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Nunez needs to come out I'd think. Can't hardly stand up. Still hit the ball well though. Being the DH they have time to make the decision but I'd be surprised to see him play more tonight.


Not many hits so far. Only 4 and 2 of them were the 1st 2 hitters of the game. I know we got 2 runs that inning but not a good way to do it by hitting into 2 outs to get the runs. Nunez probably hit the ball better than anyone tonight and he's probably out for awhile now.


Travis with a wall ball and a base running blunder and is put out at 2nd easily. Sox get 1 back. 5-3 now.


Some good defense that inning. Vaz guns down two.




Last 6 spots in the order have done not much tonight. Only 1 hit & 2 walks. Devers had the 1 hit & a walk so the other 5 spots have really done nothing.


Crap. That's going to tough to get back. Didn't need that.


Devers tried to get the hr. Would of been a hr in most parks.



One bad inning tonight cost them. Was good idea to pull Pomerantz when they did. Now we'll have to see about our walking wounded. On to Tuesday.


BEFORE this game - on paper - this looked like an easy win for our Sox.
Sox lose tonight 6 - 4.

Pomeranz was so close to getting out of the second inning . . .
NOT a good day for him.
THIS game was lost in the 2nd inning.

HOPE that Nunez and Betts make quick recovery.

Magic number is still 3.

HOPING for a better game and win tomorrow.


Pomerans didn't have it tonight but that lineup had me on edge BEFORE the game when I saw that Young was in the lineup.  Of course, he went 0 for 4 (again)  He must not play anymore whether we're facing a lefty or not.  He is totally useless and has been for the better part of three months, and forget Ramirez getting his at-bats until we win the damn AL East---which we could still blow.  Tomorrow we need our nine best hitters in that lineup and that mean no Young and perhaps no Ramirez who can't hit lefties any better than the rotten Young can.  If we face a lefty, Travis plays first and Nunez DH's so he doesn't have to play in the field.  Young sits!!!!!!!!  Pedroia needs to play because just his presence in the lineup gives us  the aura of experience and a winning know-how that we need very badly.  Hate to give up a game in the standings that we got yesterday but this lineup tonight must NOT be the one we use tomorrow.  And consider this.....Sale pitches tomorrow and we need to win when he pitches and he gets his own catcher who we know cannot hit worth a damn anymore.  I know it is only one game but the game was put out to dry when that lineup was put out there tonight.  Lefty or not Benintendi must not sit again.  Now I will try and cool off for the rest of the evening unless I hear someone telling me Young should still be in the lineup.

Get that line moving forward tomorrow.


I understand your frustration Fred.
YOU are right - the Sox lineup certainly was not a strong one.

HOPE that Nunez and Betts make a full and speedy recovery.


Nunez shouldn't even be in the game tomorrow. Vazquez should DH. As far as Travis goes he should learn how to run the bases. He stops between 1st & 2nd then decides to keep going and is out by a mile. If you want to play that's not a good way to get into the lineup.