
RIP Willie Mays

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Started by Bear, September 11, 2017, 08:30:15 AM

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Quote from: markj on September 12, 2017, 08:31:11 PM
Whatever. If the throw had been clean, he would have been out. The catcher blew that play.

He had the throw beat. If he hadn't it would of been an error.


Fred's boys are tearing it up tonight.  Still have no idea why Young was in the lineup (yes, I know he was 4-4 against the guy).  Ramirez looks like he's done.  I don't get it, he doesn't even appear to be trying, just go up there, swing at each pitch and maybe make contact, usually a pop up. 


Quote from: longgame on September 12, 2017, 08:37:33 PM
Fred's boys are tearing it up tonight.  Still have no idea why Young was in the lineup (yes, I know he was 4-4 against the guy).  Ramirez looks like he's done.  I don't get it, he doesn't even appear to be trying, just go up there, swing at each pitch and maybe make contact, usually a pop up.

Well young got 2 hits tonight so guess the stats paid off some what. Hanley needs to be gone but Sox will need to eat a lot of money because of the vesting option for 2019 if he gets enough at bats beyween this year and next. I'd just release him and eat next years salary.



Devers has a reaction time like me when food is going to fall off the table.


Smith not sharp but is to be expected at times as he works his way back. Maddox coming in with bases loaded & 2 outs. Trading outs for runs if need be.



Sox will pick up a game here. Thank you, Rays.



Quote from: longgame on September 12, 2017, 08:37:33 PM
Fred's boys are tearing it up tonight.  Still have no idea why Young was in the lineup (yes, I know he was 4-4 against the guy).  Ramirez looks like he's done.  I don't get it, he doesn't even appear to be trying, just go up there, swing at each pitch and maybe make contact, usually a pop up.

Well two of my "boys" were on the stick tonight and two out of three ain't bad, just like our two past series.  Ramirez though looks like he is done because he looks like he can't even hit any more.  Sad because I really got to like him last year.  Anyway, who can knock tonight.  We won and our rivals lost---back to four up.  Nice if we could keep this kind of lead on them for the rest of the season, or maybe five up.  But I won't be greedy.


Quote from: Schloicka on September 12, 2017, 08:40:50 PM
Quote from: longgame on September 12, 2017, 08:37:33 PM
Fred's boys are tearing it up tonight.  Still have no idea why Young was in the lineup (yes, I know he was 4-4 against the guy).  Ramirez looks like he's done.  I don't get it, he doesn't even appear to be trying, just go up there, swing at each pitch and maybe make contact, usually a pop up.

Well young got 2 hits tonight so guess the stats paid off some what. Hanley needs to be gone but Sox will need to eat a lot of money because of the vesting option for 2019 if he gets enough at bats beyween this year and next. I'd just release him and eat next years salary.

Well we do agree with each other on occasion.  Yes, Hanley must be gone.  As a DH his hitting this season has been totally sub par and we cannot have such a poor hitter taking up playing time for a guy like Travis or the DH power hitter we need to get for next season. 


How much fun it is to enjoy blowouts like this lately.  They haven't been coming around too much this season.   15 hits w/11 runs is nice.   It's the A's so I won't get too excited about "E-Rod back in form" just yet.  He's gotta keep the BBs down.  A better offense would make him pay.  But we got it done.
"Baseball is simple. All you do is sit on your butt, spit tobacco and nod at the stupid things your manager says."
--Bill 'Spaceman' Lee


I've been bitching and moaning all year long about the sox players being way too eager and undisciplined at the plate with their swings. Vaz and Peddy might be the best on the team staying on the pitch and staying with the pitch from start to finish, excluding injury. 

Last night was refreshing to watch. Betts stayed on the ball very well for that opposite field shot. XB showed that good things can happen going the other way. Travis got an 'excuse me' opposite field dble inside on the fists. JBJ kept his head down on the ball. Devers scorched one to 3b with a hard grounder before that for outs. His hit was laced up the middle.

Point is, is that this is where the So need to live. Especially Betts. If he stays back and takes some opposite field shots, he's in better position to hit the ball when thrown inside. It's as simple as that, aside from the mechanics of getting there.

One hitter left to go, unless they revel in last night's success and go King Kong on us again. If it is coming together, then perfect timing call is in order. However, it does lead me to one big question. Should it take a two-man hitting coached team this long to right the ship?


Quote from: MongoLikeSox on September 13, 2017, 06:19:15 AM
I've been bitching and moaning all year long about the sox players being way too eager and undisciplined at the plate with their swings. Vaz and Peddy might be the best on the team staying on the pitch and staying with the pitch from start to finish, excluding injury. 

Last night was refreshing to watch. Betts stayed on the ball very well for that opposite field shot. XB showed that good things can happen going the other way. Travis got an 'excuse me' opposite field dble inside on the fists. JBJ kept his head down on the ball. Devers scorched one to 3b with a hard grounder before that for outs. His hit was laced up the middle.

Point is, is that this is where the So need to live. Especially Betts. If he stays back and takes some opposite field shots, he's in better position to hit the ball when thrown inside. It's as simple as that, aside from the mechanics of getting there.

One hitter left to go, unless they revel in last night's success and go King Kong on us again. If it is coming together, then perfect timing call is in order. However, it does lead me to one big question. Should it take a two-man hitting coached team this long to right the ship?

Red Sox have the third lowest K% in the league.  The BB% is sixth.


VICTORY  !!!  To quote  Jimmy DoLittle,  "VICTORY GOES TO THOSE WHO WANT IT THE MOST, WANT IT THE LONGEST" !!!! thumb_u rofl