
RIP Willie Mays

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Started by Bear, August 29, 2017, 12:46:02 AM

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Boom, done. Nice win. Yanks/Indians got ppd, so Sox pick up just a half game.


Nice job by the pitchers tonight. Just enough offense. Very good job.


Sale is back to his old self.  Pitching was good but Toronto fell apart defensively.  Hard to believe some pundits predicted the Jays to be a contender.  Sox fans have to be pleased that Boston still has a lot of games remaining against the under performing Blue Jays.


Thank Goodness NO drama from Kimbrel.

Good win!


Sox up by 4 games (3 in the loss column). Yanks/Indians makeup game is tomorrow afternoon.


Nice win....BUT...Young and Leon both O'fers iono


Quote from: BoSoxFanNY on August 29, 2017, 09:14:44 PM
Thank Goodness NO drama from Kimbrel.

Good win!

Yes Bo, it was a good win and better to pick up another half-game in the standings so on balance it comes out as a positive.  However, we should not let some people on this board get stars in their eyes because we have some real problems on the offensive end as I relayed before the game.  Just take a look....Bogaerts, another 0 for 4 with three strikeouts.  Would I put Lin or Marrero in for him?  IN TWO SHAKES OF A MONKEY'S ASS I WOULD.  He has become a total minus and needs to be sat down and I mean fast.  Young?  Another 0 for 4 and as I said totally useless for the past three months.  He can't lefties, he can't hit righties, he can't do shit.  Ramirez?  One for four, but since that hit was a homer (no one on base of course)  he gets a semi-pass but he still has been  chronic disappointment this season.  Leon? O for 3 but the crowd will say he handled Sale very well so he gets a plus for that, but Sale had better know that he is going to have to do with one less hitter and maybe more any time we face a lefty unless shithead Farrell wakes the hell up and gets those other bums out of the lineup....and for good.  Young must be benched permanently because he sucks and somehow the Red Sox have to come to the sad conclusion as some of have weeks ago that Pukegaerts is a washout and he won't get any better.


Quote from: Bear on August 29, 2017, 09:58:19 PM
Nice win....BUT...Young and Leon both O'fers iono

And Pukegaerts too--don't forget about him, the biggest bum of all.  And one more thing.  Tomorrow the Blue Jays are throwing another lefty, Happ, at us.  Farrell must finally grow a brain and must NOT put  that putrid Young in the lineup.  He has become worthless, and I wish there was some way to get Bogaerts out of that lineup because he has become a total human garbage dump both at the plate and in the field.   Awfully tough when we have a team that blows so hot and cold offensively and have the worst manager in baseball running the show and stubbornly trying to accomplish something  that never works by doing it the same way over and over.


Quote from: SeaBeachFred on August 29, 2017, 10:01:06 PM
Quote from: Bear on August 29, 2017, 09:58:19 PM
Nice win....BUT...Young and Leon both O'fers iono

And Pukegaerts too--don't forget about him, the biggest bum of all.  And one more thing.  Tomorrow the Blue Jays are throwing another lefty, Happ, at us.  Farrell must finally grow a brain and must NOT put  that putrid Young in the lineup.  He has become worthless, and I wish there was some way to get Bogaerts out of that lineup because he has become a total human garbage dump both at the plate and in the field.   Awfully tough when we have a team that blows so hot and cold offensively and have the worst manager in baseball running the show and stubbornly trying to accomplish something  that never works by doing it the same way over and over.

I'm as about fed up with Bogaerts as you, Fred.  When Pedey gets back, Farrell must move Nunez to SS and sit XB's ass down on the pine.  Devers has earned the right to start until showing otherwise....

Happy to see Sale bounce back really nicely AND the fastest pitcher in MLB history (!!!) to 1500Ks.  8)
"Baseball is simple. All you do is sit on your butt, spit tobacco and nod at the stupid things your manager says."
--Bill 'Spaceman' Lee


  As DAD would say, "SON, that Sale guy can PITCH" !! thumb_u rofl


Fred, if Farrell put in Marrerro or Lin over Bogaerts, he'd be rightly fired in an instant.  I'd go up there and do it myself if necessary.

George, for the catcher, I'm fine with Leon catching Sale, but it seems like Leon is catching more often lately.  I'd ride the hot hand.


Quote from: longgame on August 30, 2017, 08:03:32 AM
Fred, if Farrell put in Marrerro or Lin over Bogaerts, he'd be rightly fired in an instant.  I'd go up there and do it myself if necessary.

George, for the catcher, I'm fine with Leon catching Sale, but it seems like Leon is catching more often lately.  I'd ride the hot hand.
B I N G O dat !!!


Quote from: ipot on August 30, 2017, 02:31:26 AM
Quote from: SeaBeachFred on August 29, 2017, 10:01:06 PM
Quote from: Bear on August 29, 2017, 09:58:19 PM
Nice win....BUT...Young and Leon both O'fers iono

And Pukegaerts too--don't forget about him, the biggest bum of all.  And one more thing.  Tomorrow the Blue Jays are throwing another lefty, Happ, at us.  Farrell must finally grow a brain and must NOT put  that putrid Young in the lineup.  He has become worthless, and I wish there was some way to get Bogaerts out of that lineup because he has become a total human garbage dump both at the plate and in the field.   Awfully tough when we have a team that blows so hot and cold offensively and have the worst manager in baseball running the show and stubbornly trying to accomplish something  that never works by doing it the same way over and over.

I'm as about fed up with Bogaerts as you, Fred.  When Pedey gets back, Farrell must move Nunez to SS and sit XB's ass down on the pine.  Devers has earned the right to start until showing otherwise....

Happy to see Sale bounce back really nicely AND the fastest pitcher in MLB history (!!!) to 1500Ks.  8)

A win is always good IPOT and Sale was on his game last night.  We needed that from him.  As for Farrell, well you know what I think of the guy as a manager and we can only hope for a least a modicum of credibility from him.


Quote from: longgame on August 30, 2017, 08:03:32 AM
Fred, if Farrell put in Marrerro or Lin over Bogaerts, he'd be rightly fired in an instant.  I'd go up there and do it myself if necessary.

George, for the catcher, I'm fine with Leon catching Sale, but it seems like Leon is catching more often lately.  I'd ride the hot hand.

Well most here would agree more with you than me when it comes to the shortstop spot but I would make that move because Bogaerts has given us NOTHING for almost three months.  He cannot buy a hit with runners in scoring position, he makes too many errors in the field and he's the last guy I want at the plate with the game on the line.  You saw him at his worst in that capacity last night---again, a recurring nightmare any times he steps up with RISP.  He is a choker pure and simple and I've been saying that since April of 2014.  He's not going to snap out of it either.  Our only hope is that Pedroia gets healthy and stays that way for the duration of the season, put Nunezx at short and get Bogaerts out of the lineup before he does the team any more damage with his gutless play.


But Fred the guys you want to replace him with hit .220 in the minors.