
RIP Willie Mays

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Started by Bear, August 27, 2017, 02:52:08 AM

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OK....I'll say it.  Mookie is having a crap season. Maybe 2016 set the bar too high?


Mookie looked terrible with bases loaded and 2 away.  These guys simply refuse to protect the plate.  They are all chokers with RISP.  Pathetic.


Quote from: elktonnick on August 27, 2017, 02:59:24 PM
Mookie looked terrible with bases loaded and 2 away.  These guys simply refuse to protect the plate.  They are all chokers with RISP.  Pathetic.

I am freaking shocked that the Red Sox are in the middle!


Great.  Two on and no outs.  More frustration in the works.


No two ways around it. We're officially in the tank.
Bosox Board: The Exclusive Home of Muggah


8 hits, 13 LOB, just 1 stinking run. How pathetic is that? Fister did ok even with the opening frame trouble. No excuse to not have more runs with that many hits and men on.


  I want changes,  "NOW GRASSHOPPER"  !!! thumb_d rofl


I haven't checked recently how Sam Travis is doing down in Pawtucket but Hanley Ramirez has become a shadow of his former self.  I know going 1 for 13 with men on base means the whole team is looking bad but Hanley has become the most useless of hitters with runners on and the game on the line.


Quote from: ojdidit on August 27, 2017, 12:55:41 PM
HanRam leaves two on.  This stiff is paid 23M and had 49 RBI! Face it, folks, the real Hanleywas 2015 and not 2016.

Money or not Hanley has to come out that damn lineup.  He is not going to recover this season.  He cannot hit with men on base either and I think he may be at the end of his rop---and that goes doubly for Young who has not shown any power nor has be hit worth shit almost the whole season.  Both have to go.  People here spend too much time panning Holt when the guy has had real physical and mental pressure all season but it seems Hanley and Young get a pass.  Bullshit on that.  Get them out of the lineup, put Holt in somewhere to try and give us a little spark, and get Pedroia's ass back in the @#$%&?} lineup.  It's been a month already and it's high time he starts helping the team again.  Moreland should also be in there against all types of pitching since he has been one of the few batters who has been consistent this past month.

One more thing.   Right now this team is starting to looking very much the 2011 squad that puked their brains out that last month and brought disgrace and shame to the team.  We are within one or two games of going completely in the tank with a big Yankee series coming up in less than a week.  If some of you think this team is just going through a bad phase as some of my old dueling buddies said about the 2011 club as they started their swan dive, forget it.  This is going to be a permanent and total collapse if it is not abated this week.  We are now in dire danger and thank God I never came and said I full now fully confident of our team.  I came close but too many people on this club look like losers to me and many are having shitty seasons all around and being led by a man who is the worst possible skipper for this team.



1. This team has been more lucky than good ALL year (with the exception of Sale getting some deserved 12 Ws on his own)
2. If we say "it's baseball" then the O's are really 8 games out of 130 on the wrong side of the score to be in 1st.  So are we "better" than the O's or just lucky?  (go with the latter)
3. Funniest comment was Salty saying our lineup is dangerous top to bottom. 
4. Remember September 2011 when the whole team tanked into oblivion?  Don't be surprise if this is a repeat.
5. This team has been the most uninteresting 1st place team we've had in a LONG time.  A 500 team over-achieving.
6. Miley is amazing ;)

LAD vs HOU in the WS (or a CHC repeat) and you can't feel bad about the Sox choking it away, right?
"Baseball is simple. All you do is sit on your butt, spit tobacco and nod at the stupid things your manager says."
--Bill 'Spaceman' Lee


The problem could be those dumb uniforms with the stupid nicknames on the back. " Player's weekend " . .  Another bad idea from the MLB thinkers. Maybe they should just get it all done in one day. Have them all wear pink , throw back , Negro League uniforms , with their favorite nickname on the back , and broadcast the games in Spanish. Team that scores the most runs gets home field in the World Series. Then be done with the silliness.


As  DAD would say,  "SON, how the heck to ya only score one RUN at FENWAY PAAAK " ????  Heck, the pitching did their job !! iono


Ramirez is one problem, Farrell compounds it by having Young hit behind him.  Young left 7 guys on base yesterday.  That's brutal.  With all of the issues that they've been having, getting an actual middle of the lineup is the big one and has plagued them all year.  No power in the 4 or 5 slot means you need good pitching every day.  We aren't getting that now.


And another thing.  It seemed like Leon has caught 4 of the past 5 games.  Vazquez is on fire at Fenway.  You can't give up 100 points in BA on a nightly basis when you have the right guy sitting on the bench.


Quote from: longgame on August 28, 2017, 08:05:23 AM
Ramirez is one problem, Farrell compounds it by having Young hit behind him.  Young left 7 guys on base yesterday.  That's brutal.  With all of the issues that they've been having, getting an actual middle of the lineup is the big one and has plagued them all year.  No power in the 4 or 5 slot means you need good pitching every day.  We aren't getting that now.
You absolutely correct.  Young is another one whose time has passed.