
RIP Willie Mays

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Started by Bear, August 21, 2017, 01:38:19 AM

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The pitching matchups for the next two games
favor the Indians.
AND the pitching matchups for the Yankees - Tigers
favor the Yankees.


Quote from: markj on August 21, 2017, 09:15:30 PM
Barnes contributes nothing except a 2-on, no-out situation.

When we got Addison Reed it was with the idea  that he would be the 8th inning pitcher so why did that stupid ass Farrell put his faith in the Meatball.  We all know that you cannot count on this guy in a close game.  I mean doesn't that butt of a manager realize that by now.  Six outs from a win and Farrell once again loses a game for us.  That's at least seven or eight he has blown for us this season.  He never seems to be able to make a move that wins a game for the Red Sox, well hardly ever, but he sure as hell can lose them for us.  Face it, I know and I hope you all know he is a shitty manager.  I have always thought so and I do now more than ever.


Quote from: elktonnick on August 21, 2017, 09:27:58 PM
I can't understand why Farrell has so much confidence in Barnes.   Barnes looked awful from his first pitch.  He had nothing and I think he knew it from his body language.   This is the problem when E-Rod starts.  Because he rarely makes through 6 innings he puts a heck of a lot of pressure on the bull pen.

Why you ask?  Well here's my answer.  Farrell is just one shitty manager who can never win one for the team with a move or two but he sure as hell can makes stupid moves that lose them for about seven or eight so far this season.  He is a total dumb shit.


Quote from: markj on August 21, 2017, 09:55:14 PM
What was with Holt double pumping that throw? If you're committed, throw it.

Of course you also have to look at the offense depending on two HRs tonight to get things done. Other than those, which were both helped by walks, the offense sucked tonight.

Where waa Moreland tonight?  Is he hurt?  Otherwise he should have been in the lineup.  Anyone know?


Quote from: BoSoxFanNY on August 21, 2017, 10:01:26 PM

Was hoping that this bullpen could hold the lead.

On another note - Indians lost Miller and Santana tonight to injuries. . .

Who cares?  We still lost the !@#$#%^& game.  And we have that turd Fister thowing tomorrow.  After another E-Rod shit performance you think DD would do what the Dodgers and Yankees did buy getting us a pitcher who can go seven or eight innings and win games we should win.  How about more than five hits in a game.


Quote from: SeaBeachFred on August 21, 2017, 10:19:53 PM
Quote from: markj on August 21, 2017, 09:55:14 PM
What was with Holt double pumping that throw? If you're committed, throw it.

Of course you also have to look at the offense depending on two HRs tonight to get things done. Other than those, which were both helped by walks, the offense sucked tonight.

Where waa Moreland tonight?  Is he hurt?  Otherwise he should have been in the lineup.  Anyone know?

Of course we know why Moreland wasn't playing!


Quote from: Schloicka on August 21, 2017, 09:44:56 PM
Vaz must be slower that I thought. Only a single on a ball that hits the cf wall. Of course it might of helped if he had been running full speed out of the box.
He either thought it was an out or a Hr. I saw what you saw. stupid little trot down the line until he figures out that is going to happen. Either way, it was awful he only got to 1st on that one. Bad baseball.

Barnes was all over the place with his motion again. I thought the call to get Hembree was interesting.EE still hurt us, so whatever.


As DAD would say,  "SON, 4 runs should be enough" !!  Yes, like April, May, & June, another one that got way !!  thumb_d slap


Quote from: SeaBeachFred on August 21, 2017, 10:14:41 PM
Quote from: markj on August 21, 2017, 09:15:30 PM
Barnes contributes nothing except a 2-on, no-out situation.

When we got Addison Reed it was with the idea  that he would be the 8th inning pitcher so why did that stupid ass Farrell put his faith in the Meatball.  We all know that you cannot count on this guy in a close game.  I mean doesn't that butt of a manager realize that by now.  Six outs from a win and Farrell once again loses a game for us.  That's at least seven or eight he has blown for us this season.  He never seems to be able to make a move that wins a game for the Red Sox, well hardly ever, but he sure as hell can lose them for us.  Face it, I know and I hope you all know he is a shitty manager.  I have always thought so and I do now more than ever.

Bingo, Fred! I can't for the life of me figure out why Farrell isn't slotting his 7th, 8th, and 9th inning pitchers and just sticking with it. He truly is one of the worst managers in MLB, and if left to his devices---he will blow this thing for us down the stretch.

I'm getting the distinct feeling both this team and its manager are already succumbing to the playoff jitters that brought 2016 to an embarrassing end. And it's not even September yet!
Bosox Board: The Exclusive Home of Muggah


That does make for an interesting debate. If JF had been able to to do the specific 7th and 8th inning pairing, would the bullpen be as tired as they are now? That would mean things like NOT using barnes for a couple innings as soon as Pom Pom went down. Reed and Workman needed rest according to JF, and I have no reason to not believe him on that one.

We almost got there. He promoted Kelly, who inturn tweaked a hammy in excitement, I guess.  iono  Barnes has proven inconsistent in the role to the point of being in his head. (along with mechanics on the road???)  Reed got off to a bad start. It almost seemed like JF was more interested in Reed slotting into the Andrew Miller role before getting the 8th inning back under control. The list of things goes on and on, but it always does in baseball.

One thing I cannot fathom is the short warm up periods the Jf has given Hembee and Kelly recently. Kelly's curve looked MUCH better last night than his previous outing(s) with limited warm up. Was Hembree in the same boat? Just imagine he had not one at-bat last night to watm up, but two at bats to warm up. He had to rush things and then face  EE for his second batter. I questioned not putting Scott in earlier. He would have had his lefty and just as important, perhaps given hembree a few more minutes to get all of his pitches worked out before facing EE. Hell, Scott could have walked EE, though that would not be my first choice. Still, I do not want to give EE a chance to beat me again.



Poor execution again dooms the Sox, but the pen should have been able to hold on to this one.  Like Fred said, this is why they got Reed, isn't it?  Or can he not pitch 2 nights in a row and if so, he's the wrong guy to have in a pennant race.  This was a no-brainer, but unfortunately we also have a no-brainer of a manager.  Use whoever you need to get to the 8th and then it's Reed, Kimbrel and a win. 


Quote from: longgame on August 22, 2017, 08:32:40 AM
Poor execution again dooms the Sox, but the pen should have been able to hold on to this one.  Like Fred said, this is why they got Reed, isn't it?  Or can he not pitch 2 nights in a row and if so, he's the wrong guy to have in a pennant race.  This was a no-brainer, but unfortunately we also have a no-brainer of a manager.  Use whoever you need to get to the 8th and then it's Reed, Kimbrel and a win.

Have to agree!

When I saw Barnes and Hembree - I thought - oh no.

Just can't understand Farrell management of his bullpen.
Why doesn't he have more guys up in the bullpen IF
he sees that his pitcher just doesn't have it.