
RIP Willie Mays

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Started by Bear, July 15, 2017, 03:28:14 AM

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A game and a half so far, two to play tomorrow, this could get ugly by the time tomorrow night's game ends some time after midnight.

This is where the lack of power really hurts, need a big fly to end this.  But Abad is in, there are two on, none out, so this may be over soon.



Quote from: Leesam01 on July 15, 2017, 08:00:47 PM
Fister coming in to seal the deal ...

Fister did the job. Lets get a damn run now!


Geez, Louise, these guys suck.  :losers :losers sigh


Mookie K's on a ball way outside in the dirt. What is he thinking?



Fister nad his moment of glory and now is showing why he will be a former MLB player tomorrow.


1 run in 16 innings. Only guy on offense who had a good day was Benintendi. He was 3/6. The rest of the guys could of been put out with the trash. I guess the theory is we need a 3rd baseman because no one else does their job. Will take more than another 3rd baseman to help the Sox offense!

Sale pitched great. Kimbrel threw 1 bad pitch. The Sox snatched defeat out of the jaws of victory. On to Sunday.


From what I've read from markj, Schloik, Ted , Leesam and the rest of the crew I can tell you're pissed off as I am.  Only I am not just pissed off.  I went off on a raging torrent when the game was over and right now I can honestly say I hate many of the guys on this team.   They are f@#ki%& losers, they cannot get a clutch hit to save their lives, and the way they starve Sale for runs when he pitches is a total disgrace-----and what's more they don't seem to give a damn.  Each of these God damn players is looking for someone else to take the lead.  No one is standing up and taking charge.  Betts has become a shitty ballplayer of late, Bogaerts is a choker pure and simple and Moreland looks lost at the plate dipping and driving and hitting with his ass sticking out like some kind of circus animal.  And say what you will of the catchers, neither to me is a winning ball player at all.  I just hope we haven't ruined Swihart with that crappy demotion at the beginning of the year because we may have ruined one of our  top prospects.  This team needs a jolt because, mark my words, when they go into a slump next time it may be the beginning of a complete collapse of his club.  And where the hell is Hanley when we need him.  He's a veteran but shows no leadership and acts as if such a role was a live grenade.  Right now my attitude is **** this team and most of the players on it.  I will not tune in tomorrow to watch these candy asses make fools of themselves.  To my colleagues here I apologize for ranting and further ruining your evening.  It is very sad when you can almost say you hate the team you root for----the players, not what the Red Sox are supposed to represent.

Oh yea, one more thing.....Get rid of Fister.  The guy ain't worth shit.  He has already been dumped by two teams this season.  Make is a hat trick and send this bum packing.


This was a scary game to watch. This is a bad funk. It just got worse, too. I hope they do not call devers up until this "air" has cleared. 

It's the same team with the same problem as last year. No Papi now is only difference. It's the same funk as last years' funks. Same fear in their eyes. Same job security game within the game going on. This team has had the look like they are trying to survive an onslaught. These guys have been lost for a long, long time.

And now this and a DH to play tomorrow. A couple new team mates with holes in their game isn't going to fix this. I don't care how many right or wrong calls he's made. It needs a major shake up. This does not work. Air can be fixed.


They couldawouldashoulda had 3 runs on Severino. And this game wouldn't have gone this far.  This is The Gang That Couldn't Hit Straight.  They are pathetically uninspired.  If the offense was as clutch as the pitching was this year, we'd be as good - if not better - than the Astros record-wise.  They are lucky to have won yesterday. 
TB will win the ALE.  These dumb-asses will be K-ing or leaving RISPs during clutch moments come the last week of September.
"Baseball is simple. All you do is sit on your butt, spit tobacco and nod at the stupid things your manager says."
--Bill 'Spaceman' Lee


After Kimbrel, I didn't lose my time.  What a disgusting game...are these players evah
going to learn to hit the ball?  Doubtful.
Dombrowski didn't seem to think the BP was a problem?
Another great game lost by Sale b/c of the BP.


Twice---in both the 10th and 11th innings---we had a runner on 2nd base and Farrell failed to bunt the runner to 3rd. Not even a friggin attempt at a sacrifice bunt in a game in which runs were almost impossible to come by. This one's on Farrell. He sucks and was exposed horribly---AGAIN!

Again this team wastes a stellar performance by Sale. And what's worse is that Fred is right---there's no one in this line up with any balls, with fire-in-the-belly enough to step up and say, "This game's mine!" Dombrowski has got to come to the realization that he's got to get an impact, tough-as-nails type player to insert into this candy-ass lineup at the deadline if we've got any chance of winning a single playoff game this year, or next. Hell, if the Blue Jays become sellers DD has got to think seriously about mortgaging the farm to go get a player like Donaldson. A player like Donaldson's intensity would have half these sissies soiling themselves in the dugout.

And to take is a step further---you watch. Beni is one of the few players playing with any intensity at all right now. And despite the fact that he had 3 hits yesterday---you watch---Farrell will sit him in Game 1 today.
Bosox Board: The Exclusive Home of Muggah


While Benintendi may be the only one playing with intensity (I think Pedro's is also) Benintendi made a mental error by not going to third late in the game.  If he had made it to third we'd have had a different result.
The biggest problem is this team looks terrible at the plate.  Xander looks especially bad right now. 


  Another WASTED effort against Chris Sale.... I am calling for a  SPECIAL INVESTIGATION as to why the team is so pathetic at the plate when Sale is on the mound.....  This has all the looks of the other team hacking in to the RED SOX computers that have an effect on the final out come..... We need to find out WHY this continues to happen and determine if there is a there at play here !!! thumb_d :losers iono slap rofl