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Trouble in Paradise

Started by MongoLikeSox, August 05, 2023, 07:45:26 PM

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Strange game today. Odd look to the team out there. Now we sort of know why.

Looks like Verdugo and Cora ain't too happy with each other. Cora saying it's one of the worst days he's had in the organization. Verdugo clamming up, basic saying all the right wrong things. "it's his decision, and I respect him" and stuff like that. Cora saying they took a huge step backwards as a team today, referring to Verdugo not being ready. There's a chance he'll play tomorrow.

Verdugo was asked if he got there late and he said no. 

Cora threw him under the bus, too.
“(Saturday) we took a step back as a team. We have to make sure everybody’s available every single day here,” Cora said. “That wasn’t the case, and as a manager, I got to take charge of this and I decided (Verdugo) wasn’t gonna play.

“… I’m just taking care of the 26 guys, and (Verdugo) wasn’t gonna play.”

Ruh Roh!!!!


This team has not been ready to play repeatedly all year.  Cora is responsible for the team's readiness. 

Sea Dog 23

Team headed on a steady course for last place - again.  With the pitching and all the other angst,  this could be a rough landing for everybody wearing the Sox colors.


This is not about a guy showing up late. Surely he is not the first one to do that since Cora's been around. Cora's not above throwing a guy under the bus, but this reaction is way beyond even Alex Cora. Something happened. Whatever it was, it was the last bit of fuel needed for that situation to hit that boiling point. Showing up at 1:35 for a 4:10 game isn't enough for this episode.

I can imagine Verdugo's taking a beating in Boston right now. Boston is not the best place for free spirits and guys that internalize negative clubhouse vibes and the town's and press' noise. We saw Duran pop last year. Manny being Manny checked out every August.

Alex Speier wrote something entitled "The curious case of Alex Verdugo, his recent slump, and Saturday’s surprise scratch". This was published just 25 minutes after McGuire rounded 3rd. This is what Speier was working during the game. He was ready for it. I can't see the entire Globe article, but it certainly starts off with a typical Red Sox Press Release writing. Poor Alex Cora trying to shape a kid with enormous talent for 3 years blah blah blah. Kill me now. Please!!!

No, this is a pressure cooker situation that beats most years' worth of pressure cooker situations. It's hardly a surprise that Verdugo is how the boiling point manifested itself. I'm not knocking Verdugo. Cora's another one who has not always handled the pressure well. Whatever happened or whatever that tipping point was, it resulted in Cora losing his shit. I would too if my team played like that. I betchya dollars to donuts that these two were not the only ones to do so recently. This has been months in the making. Maybe years.


The Globe is basically putting all of it on Verdugo's shoulders. Verdugo himself took a lot of the blame. Whether or not that's the case is unknown. I'm wondering if it has anything to do with Arroyo getting DFA'd.


Reeks of chicken and beer.  This is a team that is falling apart on and off the field.  And nobody seems to care other than the fans.

Sea Dog 23

Quote from: longgame on August 06, 2023, 11:40:55 AM
Reeks of chicken and beer.  This is a team that is falling apart on and off the field.  And nobody seems to care other than the fans.

Also the team, outside of Yoshida, Devers and Duran, has no identity.   Other than Story and Sale (who are always on the IL) the rest of the team is basically one-year contract players.


Quote from: longgame on August 06, 2023, 11:40:55 AM
Reeks of chicken and beer.  This is a team that is falling apart on and off the field.  And nobody seems to care other than the fans.

We all see where this should all be heading but with an owner who is AWOL and seemingly with his tainted alleged mind elsewhere, we may see a replay of this again next year unless both Bloom and Cora are shown the door after this season.  In fact, the Prune could send a loud message to the fans who are suffering like hell seeing their beloved team getting the shit knocked out of them (another August swoon anyone?) to start cleaning house right now by cashiering Cora and Bloom both.  Cora has not been the same manager since he put his team through a miserable mickey mouse type Spring Training in 2019.  Couple that with his reputation as a rotten cheater it is any wonder that he has most likely lost the respect of the club house.  As for Bloom, just how many of our top prospects moving up the ranks came because of Bloom's trades?  Close to zero, if not zero itself.  All the good ones, Mayer, Yorke, Jordan, Bello, Meidroth, Rafaela, have come from drafts by scouts.  What good prospect has Bloom produced?  Maybe one if he look hard enough. Today once again we are getting the hell beaten out of us. I'm through wearing Red Sox shirts and shorts this year and may not again until both those bums are sent packing.